Wednesday, December 21, 2011

*ahem* I have an announcement.




We found out yesterday, Tuesday, December 20th at 3:02pm that our home study was approved. 

Am I freaking out? Yes, I am! Did I scream when I got off the phone with my caseworker, Emily? Yes, I did! Did I have butterflies ALL day waiting to hear if they would approve us to have a child in our home? Why, of course!!

Finding out yesterday that we are approved was like going to the Dr. (when you're pregnant), getting an ultrasound, and finding out that you are pregnant for sure and not only relying on the pregnancy test anymore. We officially have the HOPE of a child entering our lives soon. We don't know when, who, what, etc. but we KNOW. 

Now, I'm off to wait......


  1. Oh HAPPY Day!!!! So thrilled for you all!! What a beautiful gift. Cannot WAIT to see what God has in store NEXT!! This is truly wonderful news!!

  2. Congratulations!!! We are rejoicing with you guys!!!

  3. Woo Hoo!!!!! Matt's been reading too, and we are both thrilled for you guys!!! AH! LOVE YOU!

  4. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah! So excited and praying for God's goodness in allowing things to keep speedily moving forward! Can't wait to meet baby Powers. Just think, right this second God has in mind the perfect child to join your family. Whoop! So thankful for His ever presence in every part of our lives.

    Ginormous hugs from me to you (and Dave, and Hunter!)

  5. We are so thrilled for all 3 of you! What a wonderful and exciting time. We speak much blessings over you, Dave, Hunter and the new baby of "Power". We love you guys so much and so glad you are a part of our lives. You have blessed us in so many ways. Can't wait to hug and kiss you guys in person...
    Kevin & Leanne
